In this paper, we have given the propagator matrix of elastic wave in a lateral homogeneous medium for B. P. G. coordinate system. This propagator matrix may be represented with five matrix factors, among which four matrices are independent of the frequency. 本文在B、P、C坐标中给出了弹性波在横向均匀介质中的传播矩阵,并将其表示为五个形式简单的矩阵乘积,其中有四个矩阵是与频率无关的。
Photoelastic Strain Gage and the Comparison of the Stresses Measured in Prototype by P. S. G. with the Results of the Model Test and Computer 光弹应变计实测混凝土坝应力和模型试验电算的对应关系
SCIENCE, CULTURE, HISTORY OF SCIENCE, HUMANISM& Review C. P. Snow's "The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution" and G. Sarton's "The History of Science and the New Humanism" 科学、文化,科学史、人道主义&C.P.斯诺及其《两种文化与科学革命》和G.萨顿及其《科学史和新人道主义》述评
In this study, adventitious root of P. ginseng, cells of P.quinquefolium and G. uralensis have been established. 本文建立了人参不定根、西洋参细胞和甘草细胞培养体系,并进行了反应器培养研究。